[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jan 2 00:53:20 PST 2007


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of December 26,  
2006, to January 02, 2007.

Happy New Year!

1) allocating memory for c-structures
2) Scripting in ocaml
3) Pure visitor patterns
4) ocamlnet-2.2 released

1) allocating memory for c-structures
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Michael asked and John Skaller answered:

 > Normaly I allocate memory for c-structures with malloc or with  
"new" for
 > c++ objects. Some time ago a read about a library which places  
 > structures in strings of the interfacing languages (it was a  
scheme lib
 > I think). So instead of using malloc or new I would allocate an
 > ocaml-string and put the c-structure there. So it will be free by  
the gc.
 > That seems o.k. for me, any comments? I'm missing something?

I don't believe Ocaml guarantees the contents of a string
will remain in a fixed location .. it might move the storage
to a new address .. so pointers into the structure might
** EL CHAAR Rabih also answered:

The issue about having c structures allocated in ocaml heap is about:
1) having a floating pointer that could be displaced by the gc during  
cycles (if it is emedded into ocaml heap)
2) having it reside in the c heap, and not be impacted by caml gc  
cycles (this
can be justified if the c structure is heavy in memory, like a c  
array, ...):
this is done by creating caml values with a custom or abstract tag.
3) memory freeing could always be done to a custom_tag value through the
finalization function passed during the creation.
** Richard Jones also answered:

That seems like it'll work for "opaque" C objects, but it's a bit of a
hack.  The immediate issues I can think are:
(a) Pointers in the C code which point at the object will not be
"counted" by the GC, and so the object may be collected while there
are still C pointers around.  This is easily avoided in OCaml, but
read chapter 18 of the manual carefully.

(b) By storing the object as a string you're telling the GC not to
examine the inside of the object, eg. looking for pointers inside to
other objects.  Fine, if you know what you're doing, but OCaml already
has a number of established ways to do this - eg. using Abstract or
Custom blocks - and these standard ways are not just standard, but
offer additional features too.  Alternatively you may consider a
non-abstract block and deliberately allow the GC to look inside.  C
and OCaml structures are not actually too different.

Actually, while I was writing the above, it struck me that perhaps
you're talking about some sort of marshalling system?  OCaml supports
its own marshalling format, and a rich variety of other external forms
of marshalling.
** Michael then replied:

 > (a) Pointers in the C code which point at the object will not be
 > "counted" by the GC, and so the object may be collected while there
 > are still C pointers around.  This is easily avoided in OCaml, but
 > read chapter 18 of the manual carefully.

that's true; for linked data structures it would not work (except all
would be allocated this way)
 > Actually, while I was writing the above, it struck me that perhaps
 > you're talking about some sort of marshalling system?  OCaml supports
 > its own marshalling format, and a rich variety of other external  
 > of marshalling.

ah no, I just thought that it would be another way to handle external
What I didn't realize was, that the gc moves pointers around...
2) Scripting in ocaml
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Continuing this huge thread, Aleksey Nogin said:

Not quite scripting in OCaml, but related - the OMake build system comes
with its own shell interpreter - osh. The language is not OCaml, but
it's a functional language that was _specifically_ designed as a
scripting language, so I would argue that writing scripts in osh is more
convenient that scripting in OCaml (although, of course, for somebody
already familiar with OCaml, learning osh might be a bit harder that
learning some hypothetical scripting extension of OCaml).
Note that if the goal is specifically "scripts to perform various build-
and development-related tasks" as you've mentioned, then I would
definitely suggest looking at OMake and osh - there the scripting
language is the same as the build specification language and you can
inline osh scriplets directly into "make-style" build rules of OMake.

See <http://omake.metaprl.org/> for more information.
** Ian Zimmerman then asked and Aleksey Nogin answered:

 > Does it handle building in general, or just OCaml-based projects?   
 > example, can it deduce header dependencies for a C file - possibly  
with a
 > plugin, like cons or scons?

Yes, definitely. OMake is meant to be language-agnostic. It comes with
standard libraries for OCaml (including support for preprocessors, for
ocamlfind and experimental support for the Menhir parser-generator), C,
C++ and LaTeX, including appropriate dependency scanning rules for there
languages and support for projects that have a mixture of these
languages. It should be fairly straightforward to add support for other
languages as well (for example, recently Dirk Heinrichs had written an
experimental Ada module).
To rehash from <http://omake.metaprl.org/>, OMake is designed for
scalability and portability and its features include:

- Support for projects spanning several directories or directory

- Fast, reliable, automated, scriptable dependency analysis using MD5
digests, with full support for incremental builds.

- Fully scriptable, includes a library that providing support for
standard tasks in C, C++, OCaml, and LaTeX projects, or a mixture  

For small projects, a configuration file may be as simple as a single  

    .DEFAULT: $(CProgram prog, foo bar baz)

which states that the program "prog" is built from the files foo.c,
bar.c, and baz.c. This one line will also invoke the default standard
library scripts for discovering implicit dependencies in C files (such
as dependencies on included header files).

- Full native support for rules that build several files at once.

- Portability: omake provides a uniform interface on Linux/Unix
(including 64-bit architectures), Win32, Cygwin, Mac OS X, and other
platforms that are supported by OCaml.

- Built-in functions that provide the most common features of programs
like grep, sed, and awk. These are especially useful on Win32.

- Active filesystem monitoring, where the build automatically restarts
whenever you modify a source file. This can be very useful during the
edit/compile cycle.

- A built-in command-interpreter osh that can be used interactively.
** Richard Jones then asked and Aleksey Nogin answered:

 > This is the syntax, right?
 > <http://omake.metaprl.org/omake-shell.html#chapter:shell>

 > It looks remarkably shell-like.

The above link only covers the "proper shell" parts of the OMake/osh
language (i.e. parts related to calling external commands).
Some features of the general language are outlined in

 > For those (like me) too lazy to
 > download the source, can you give us an idea of how this is
 > implemented?  Is it an alternate syntax for OCaml or an interpreter
 > written using ocamllex, etc.?

The OMake/osh language is fairly different from OCaml. The language was
designed specifically to work nicely in build specifications and shell
scriplets,  which is a quite different set of constraints than the ones
OCaml is designed for. The result is a functional language with dynamic
typing and dynamic scoping.
OMake is implemented in OCaml (with a bit of C -
fam/gamin/kqueue/inotify bindings, Windows-specific code, etc). It can
be characterized as an interpreter (although before a file is executed,
there is a small compilation-like translation step) implemented using
ocamllex, ocamlyacc, etc. The parsed+translated version of each file is
cached to avoid the penalty of having to do it on every run.
3) Pure visitor patterns
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Jason Hickey asked and Jacques Garrigue answered:

 > I've been trying to write pure visitors (visitors that compute  
 > side-effects).  The main change is that a visitor returns a value.
 > Here is a (failed) example specification based on having only one  
 > of thing "foo".
 >      class type ['a] visitor =
 >        object ('self)
 >          method visit_foo : foo -> 'a
 >        end

 >      and foo =
 >        object ('self)
 >          method accept : 'a. 'a visitor -> 'a
 >          method examine : int
 >        end

 > This fails because the variable 'a escapes its scope in the method
 > accept.
 > It can be fixed by breaking apart the mutual type definition.

 >      class type ['a, 'foo] visitor =
 >        object ('self)
 >          method visit_foo : 'foo -> 'a
 >        end

 >      class type foo =
 >        object ('self)
 >          method accept : 'a. ('a, foo) visitor -> 'a
 >          method examine : int
 >        end

 > The second form works, but it is hard to use because of the number
 > of type parameters needed for the visitor (in general).

 > Here are my questions:

 >     - Why does 'a escape its scope in the recursive definition?

Because during recursive definitions parameters of these definitions
are handled as monomorphic. So you cannot generalize the 'a locally.
 >     - Is there some other style that would solve this problem?

Not really. Using private rows and recursive allow for some more
expressiveness (in particular you can then define pure visitors on
extensible on an extensible collection of classes), but they are a bit
tricky to use in this context, so I'm not sure this is an improvement
for simple cases.
Another trick to make this pattern more scalable is to use constraints
for parameters.

class type ['a, 'cases] visitor =
   object ('self)
     constraint 'cases = <foo: 'foo; bar: 'bar; ..>
     method visit_foo : 'foo -> 'a
     method visit_bar : 'bar -> 'a
class type foo =
   object ('self)
     method accept : 'a. ('a, cases) visitor -> 'a
     method examine : int
and bar =
   object ('self)
     method accept : 'a. ('a, cases) visitor -> 'a
     method examine : bool
and cases = object method foo : foo method bar : bar end

 > P.S. Here is an alternate scheme with non-polymorphic visitors, where
 > the returned value is just a visitor.  The accept method needs to
 > preserve the type, so this one also has the "escapes its scope"
 > problem.
 >      class type visitor =
 >        object ('self)
 >          method visit_foo : foo -> 'self
 >        end

 >      and foo =
 >        object ('self)
 >          method accept : 'a. (#visitor as 'a) -> 'a
 >        end
 >      ...

Same reason: #visitor has an hidden type parameter, so it cannot be
generalized in a mutually recursive definition.
** Jason Hickey:

 > > Here are my questions:

 > >     - Why does 'a escape its scope in the recursive definition?

 > Because during recursive definitions parameters of these definitions
 > are handled as monomorphic. So you cannot generalize the 'a locally.

Ah, that makes perfect sense.  If I understand correctly, the
quantifiers in a mutual recursive class definition are hoisted, like
The definition
     class type ['a] c1 = ... and ['b] c2 = ...
is really more like the following (pardon my notation):
     ['a, 'b] (class type c1 = ... and c2 = ...)

The mistake is to think of it like simple recursive type definitions,
like the following (rather useless) definition.

      type 'a visitor =
         { visit_foo : 'a -> foo -> 'a;
           visit_bar : 'a -> bar -> 'a
      and foo = { accept : 'a. 'a -> 'a visitor -> 'a; examine : int }
      and bar = { accept : 'a. 'a -> 'a visitor -> 'a; examine :  
bool };;

I'm not complaining--the fact that you can write any of these types
is very cool.

 > Another trick to make this pattern more scalable is to use
 > constraints
 > for parameters.

Very good suggestion.  This makes it _much_ easier to deal with the
multiplicity of types, since the constraints are linear, not
quadratic, in the number of cases.

Many thanks for your explanation!
4) ocamlnet-2.2 released
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Gerd Stolpmann announced:

finally ocamlnet-2.2 is released! This version is identical to the
2.2rc1 version, as no bugs have been found since then.


In the rest of this (long) email, I'll explain certain aspects of this

1. What's new in ocamlnet-2.2
2. Release notes
3. How you can help testing
4. Resources
5. Credits


1. What's new in ocamlnet-2.2

Ocamlnet now includes equeue, netclient, and rpc

These libraries were previously distributed as separate software
packages. All four libraries form now together the new ocamlnet-2.2.
This allows much deeper integration of their functionality.

Building servers with Netplex

The framework Netplex simplifies the development of server applications
that require the parallel execution of requests. It focuses on
multi-processing servers but also allows multi-threading servers.
Netplex manages the start and stop of processes/threads, and dynamically
adapts itself to the current workload. Netplex allows it to integrate
several network protocols into one application, and as it also supports
SunRPC as protocol, one can consider it even as component architecture.
Furthermore, it has infrastructure to read configuration files and to
log messages.

Ocamlnet includes add-ons for Netplex to build SunRPC servers, web
servers, and web application servers (the latter over the protocols AJP,
FastCGI, or SCGI).

The revised API for web applications

The library netcgi2 is a revised version of the old cgi API (now also
called netcgi1). The changes focus on restructuring the library in order
to improve its modularity. It is hoped that beginners find more quickly
the relevant functions and methods. The API is essentially the same, but
the support for cookies has been enhanced. The connectors allowing a web
server to talk with the application have been completely redeveloped -
all four connectors (CGI, AJP, FastCGI, SCGI) support the same features.
The connector for SCGI is new. The connector for AJP has been upgraded
to protocol version 1.3. There are Netplex add-ons for the connectors.

The old API is still available, but its features are frozen. It is
recommended to port applications to netcgi2.

Improvements for SunRPC applications

It is now possible to use the SunRPC over SSL tunnels. All features are
available, including asynchronous messages. As a side effect of this,
the SunRPC implementation is now transport-independent, i.e. it is
sufficient to implement a few class types to run RPC over any kind of

Furthermore, a few details have been improved. SunRPC servers can now
implement several RPC programs or program versions at the same time.
SunRPC clients can now connect to their servers in the background. A few
bugs have been fixed, too.

Shared memory

As multi-processing has become quite important due to Netplex, Ocamlnet
supports now the inter-process communication over shared memory. The
implementation is brand-new and probably not very fast, but shared
memory makes sometimes things a lot easier for multi-processing

Old things remain good

Of course, this version of Ocamlnet supports the long list of features
it inherited from its predecessors. This includes an enhanced HTTP
client, a Telnet client, a (still incomplete) FTP client, a POP client,
and an SMTP client. The shell library is an enhanced version of
Sys.command. The netstring library is a large collection of string
routines useful in the Internet context (supports URLs, HTML, mail
messages, date strings, character set conversions, Base 64, and a few
other things).

2. Release notes


In general, the stability of this version is excellent. About 90
% of the code has been taken over from previous versions of ocamlnet,
equeue, netclient, and rpc, and this means that this code is already
mature. About 10 % of the code has been newly developed:

- netcgi2 is a revised version of the cgi library. Large parts
   are completely new.

- netplex is the new server framework. Fortunately, it could already
   be used in a production environment, and it has proven excellent
   stability there.

- netcgi2-plex combines netcgi2 and netplex.

- nethttpd has now the option to use netcgi2 as cgi provider
   (configure option -prefer-netcgi2).

- netshm adds shared memory support.

- equeue-ssl and rpc-ssl add SSL support to the RPC libraries.

Known Problems

There are known problems in this release which will be solved
in a later version:

- There is no good concept to manage signals. This is currently done
   ad-hoc. For now, this does not make any problems, or better, there
   is always the workaround that the user sets the signal handlers
   manually if any problems occur.

- The new cookie implementation of netcgi2 should replace the old
   one in netstring. Users should be prepared that Netcgi.Cookie
   will eventually become Nethttp.Cookie in one of the next releases.

- In netcgi2-plex, the "mount_dir" and "mount_at" options are not yet

- In netclient, aggressive caching of HTTP connections is still
   buggy. Do not use this option (by default, it is not enabled).

- The FTP client is still incomplete.

3. How you can help testing

It would be great if experienced developers tested the libraries,
especially the new and revised ones. Discussions should take place in
the Ocamlnet mailing list (see resources section below).

It is important to know that this version of Ocamlnet also includes the
libraries formerly distributed as equeue, netclient, and rpc. If you
upgrade an O'Caml installation, you _must_ remove old versions of these
libraries prio to the installation of the new Ocamlnet.

The GODI system is already updated, and you can get ocamlnet2 using
the standard update mechanism (for O'Caml 3.09 only).

4. Resources

On online version of the reference manual can be found here:

The current development version is available in Subversion:


Note that the ocamlnet file tree in Sourceforge refers to
ocamlnet-1 only.

There is a mailing list for Ocamlnet development:


In case of problems, you can also contact me directly:
Gerd Stolpmann gerd at gerd-stolpmann.de

5. Credits

A number of people and institutions helped creating this new version:

- Christophe Troestler wrote the revised CGI library

- The California State University sponsored the development
   of Netplex and the SSL support for SunRPC. Special thanks
   to Eric Stokes who convinced the University, and David
   Aragon for his business support.

- All companies who hired me this year and made it possible
   that I can make a living from O'Caml development. Without
   that it would have been impossible to put so much energy
   into this. Special thanks go to Yaron Minsky and Mika
Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+
Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it  
vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1
If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take  
a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


Alan Schmitt <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>

The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool  

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