[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Nov 15 01:03:48 PST 2005


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 08 to 15  
November, 2005.

1) Get a page from the Web
2) Sexplib - library for S-expression conversions
3) The best way to circumvent the lack of Thread.kill ?
4) Finalization and object dependencies
5) IoXML by DDR no longer maintained?
6) Sudoku solver

1) Get a page from the Web
Archive: <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31116>
** Continuing the thread from last week, Richard Jones said:

And yet another way is to use perl4caml[1] and WWW::Mechanize[2] which
is wrapped by perl4caml.  This allows you to fairly easily navigate
websites (click links, push buttons, fill in forms and so on).


[1] <http://merjis.com/developers/perl4caml/>
[2] <http://search.cpan.org/dist/WWW-Mechanize/lib/WWW/Mechanize.pm>

2) Sexplib - library for S-expression conversions
Archive: <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31123>
** Following last week's announcement by Markus Mottl, Owen Gunden said:

 > we'd like to announce the availability of "Sexplib"

There is now a godi package: godi-sexplib

3) The best way to circumvent the lack of Thread.kill ?
Archive: <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31022>
** Continuing last week's thread, Jonathan Bryant asked and Richard  
Jones said:

 > First of all, what is going on in the Event module?  I can't  
exactly get
 > it to work an I fear I'm missing some important concept.  I can't  
 > any documentation other than the interface.  Does anybody know of any
 > further documeeentation or have a good explanation of exactly what's
 > going on.

Yes, the Event module is quite confusing.  I have used it in this code
(in the file adwords_mt.ml) to implement a simple command pipe between
a parent thread and worker threads, so you might want to download and
take a look at this code:


** Grégory Guyomarc'h also answered:

I found these two references useful to understand the Event library:

CML: A higher-order concurrent language
John H. Reppy, In ACM SGPLAN '91 Conference on Programming Language  
Design and Implementation, pages 293-305. ACM Press, 1991.

Higher-order Concurrency
John H. Reppy, Computer Science Technical Report 92-1285, Cornell  
University, June 1992.

I think there is also a short example on how to use this module in  
OCaml Oreilly book.

4) Finalization and object dependencies
Archive: <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31196>
** Florian Weimer asked and Damien Doligez answered:

 > I've got to different types of objects, say database tables and
 > cursors for one table.  Caml code is expected to access these objects
 > using some handle reference.
 >   * If the GC detects that no handles for a particular cursor exist
 >     anymore, the underlying cursor object should be closed (which may
 >     free external resources such as locks).  At this time, all  
 >     handles become invalid, subsequent operations will fail.
 >   * If the GC detects that no handles for some table object exist,  
 >     there are no handles for that table, this table is closed.
 >     Subsequent operations on "equal" table handles will fail.
 >   * The user may explicitly close a cursor handle.  In this case, the
 >     underlying object is closed, and the handle is marked invalid.
 >     (Same as above.)
 >   * The user may explicitly close a table handle.  In this case, all
 >     cursor which are still open are closed.  Future operations on
 >     them, or the table, will fail.
 >   * When the program exits, all cursors and tables shall be closed,
 >     even if the program was termined by an exception.
 > (Here, "to fail" means to raise an exception or some other kind of
 > deterministic error signaling mechanism.)

This will be hard to do if you really want to be complete.  Some run-
errors (most notably, "out of memory") are not exceptions, they stop the
program immediately.  Moreover, under Unix there are signals that cannot
be caught or ignored.

 > Usually, application code will gracefully close all cursors, and the
 > table, but I want my library to be as safe as possible to use, and
 > avoid random crashes or memory leaks.
 > There are a couple of approaches to implement the desired behavior:
 >   (1) Just use weak arrays of tables and cursor, together with
 > Gc.alarm.
 >   (2) Use Gc.finalise for handler objects which contain an index into
 >       (plain) arrays of tables and cursors.  Use reference counting
 >       (or back pointers) to prevent premature finalization of table
 >       objects while there are still cursors around.

A simple pointer from the cursor to the table should be enough.

 >   (3) Same as (2), but using custom blocks and C code.

You'd need reference counts in this case.

I can't see how (1) would work.  (2) is normal if your objects are
implemented as OCaml data structures.  (3) if they are implemented by
C library.

 >   (4) Some hybrid approach.

 > I'm not exactly happy with each appraoch because it seems I must
 > implement a simple memory manager on my own for managing the array
 > elements.  Perhaps I'm missing something?

Maybe simply that when you implement a program, you have to do some of
the work, the GC cannot do everything for you...

 > How is the performance of the three approaches?  Each one uses a
 > different GC mechanism to achieve its goals, so I'm a bit puzzled.

Different mechanisms for solving different problems.

5) IoXML by DDR no longer maintained?
Archive: <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31241>
** Alessandro Baretta asked and Maxence Guesdon answered:

 > Is anyone still using the clever ioXML syntax extension by Daniel  
de Rauglaudre?
 >   Has anyone updated it to ocaml 3.08.4? 3.09.0?
 > I believe Maxence's Cameleon used to depend on it. Is it still so?

Hello Alex,

I had to update it in cameleon, since I encountered errors with "loc"  
I changed all "loc" variables in the code to "_loc" (file pa_ioXML.ml).

Later, I was told that the -loc option of camlp4 was made for this  
So a 'camlp4 -loc fooo' should work, but I did not test.

6) Sudoku solver
Archive: <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31252>
** Jon Harrop announced:

Here is a little OCaml program to solve Sudoku puzzles:


Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+
Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it  
vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1
If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take  
a look at
the archive (<http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~aschmitt/cwn/>) or the RSS  
feed of the
archives (<http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~aschmitt/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you  
also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


Alan Schmitt, <http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~aschmitt/>

The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool  

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