[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jan 25 00:28:40 PST 2005


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 18 to 25 January, 

1) C-threads & callbacks
2) Shallow copy of a record
3) Timeouts in Event module
4) GNU id-utils with SML (and lisp) support added
5) Cross-compiling for arm

1) C-threads & callbacks
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200501/msg00173.html
** Markus Mottl asked:

I'm currently interfacing a 3rd-party library that spawns threads
to execute callbacks.  I would like those callbacks to be handled by
OCaml-code, but have run into some issues here.

As it seems, it is not possible to run OCaml-code linked with thread
support while letting C-threads perform callbacks.  This has already
been a topic on the list a while ago.

I have two solutions in mind: the first one would involve pre-spawning
an OCaml-thread and pass data from C to OCaml through an OCaml-reference
exposed to C, protected by mutexes and condition variables.  This seems
pretty ugly, because it's error-prone and also involves a considerable
amount of context-switching, which is bad for my application (very high
volume realtime data).

The second solution would require setting up an OCaml thread descriptor
for the currently executing C-thread.  However, AFAIK this solution
cannot be implemented without fiddling with the implementation of the
OCaml-runtime, because some global variables for thread-handling are not
exposed to user code (i.e. "static").  It would be great if the thread
implementation offered functions allowing users to have their C-threads
"migrate" to OCaml.

Does anybody know of another elegant and efficient solution for this
problem that does not require hacking the OCaml-runtime?

** Daniel Bünzli suggested and Markus Mottl said:

 > I don't understand what you are refering to. I don't think there's a
 > problem as long as you take care to acquire ocaml's global lock to
 > exectue the callbacks.
 > #include <caml/signals.h>
 > ...
 > caml_leave_blocking_section();
 > callback(*caml_named_value("myfun"), Val_unit);
 > caml_enter_blocking_section();
 > ...
 > This ensures that callbacks into caml are properly serialized.

This only works if the callback is performed by a thread that was
spawned by OCaml (i.e. OCaml -> C -> OCaml).  In this case the runtime
knows what the "current thread" is.  But if a C-thread executes
"caml_leave_blocking_section" (C -> OCaml), it can segfault there,
because there may be no "current thread".  And if there is, it is not
the C-thread but another currently executing OCaml-thread, which will
mess things up later.

That's why there should be some way to register a C-thread with the
OCaml-runtime.  Currently this does not seem to be possible without
hacking the OCaml-implementation.

** Alex Baretta suggested and Markus Mottl answered:

 > Just a thought: how about running two different processes which share
 > relevant data through an mmapped file? The C-threads could communicate
 > with the Ocaml world through this shared memory segment. I am not sure
 > how much mileage you'll get out of this, but at least you would not 
 > to rewrite the runtime system...

We have also thought about this.  It would surely be a working solution
and much faster than our current cruel hack of reading data from the
tail of a file.  But a solution involving only one process would be
preferable in the long run.

** Markus Mottl finally said:

Thanks for all the replies.  I have just implemented a solution, which
seems to be very satisfactory for our purposes.

SooHyoung Oh wrote:
 > I've resolved the same problem using TCP/IP communication between 
 > thread and C thread.

This would unfortunately have been way too much overhead.

Alex Baretta wrote:
 > What exactly are you doing, Markus? I'm interested because we, too, 
 > at DE&IT, use Ocaml for realtime applications.

We are logging financial realtime data (trades) with enormously high
data volume (tens of thousands of ticks/trades per second at peak 

Andrieu wrote:
 > What about using a pipe ? the C callback stuffs its data in the pipe
 > (perhaps converted to marshalled caml values) and on the other end,
 > the caml callback is waiting with a blocking read.

This would still require marshalling overhead.

My solution now looks as follows:

I prespawn an OCaml-thread, which immediately goes into C-land.
There it waits on a condition variable (within a blocking section to
let other OCaml-threads run) until some C-thread makes data available
and notifies it.  Then the OCaml-thread converts the available data to
OCaml-values and performs the callback.  In the meanwhile the C-thread
blocks on a condition variable until the result is available.  Once the
OCaml-thread returns, it notifies the C-thread and waits for more data
again.  The C-thread continues as desired (terminates or does something
else, etc.).

The only overhead is context switching, everything else is negligible.

It would still be nice if there were an easy way to let C-threads safely
migrate to OCaml-land without all this thread-coordination...

2) Shallow copy of a record
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200501/msg00182.html
** Chris King asked and Jacques Garrigue answered:

 > Maybe I missed it in the docs, but is there a way to create a shallow
 > copy of a record without modifying any of its contents?  I know
 > there's the {foo with a=b} construct, but this only works with at
 > least one assignment; I want to create an unmodified copy of the
 > record (akin to the {< >} construct for objects).

This does not exist, and with good reason: there is no way in the type
system to define a function which works on all records, but only
records. So to do the copy you need to know at least one of the labels
of the record, which in turn gives you its type.

Another approach, which is potentially unsafe, is to use the Obj.dup
function. You can make it a bit safer by ensuring (dynamically) that
you only copy caml blocks or values:

   let copy (v : 'a) : 'a =
     let obj = Obj.repr v in
     if Obj.is_int obj then v
     else if Obj.is_block obj && let tag = Obj.tag obj in
             tag < Obj.lazy_tag || tag = Obj.double_array_tag
     then Obj.obj (Obj.dup obj)
     else invalid_arg "shallow copy"

** Kurt Welgehausen also suggested:

It's not clear whether you require a general polymorphic
copy function or you just need to make a copy of a
particular record. In the latter case, something like

   let y = {x with a = x.a}

will do what you want (even though it's not very pretty).

3) Timeouts in Event module
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200501/msg00195.html
** Yaron Minsky asked and SooHyoung Oh suggested:

 > Does anyone know of a way of achieving timeouts using OCaml's Event
 > module?  Reppy's Concurrent ML has timeout and attime events which
 > cover for that need.  I'm wondering if there is some other way of
 > implementing this using Event, or if this is just a missing feature.

I implemented a timer library.
Look http://pllab.kaist.ac.kr/~shoh/ocaml/libs/timer/
This library uses Sys module and unix, thread library.

** Yaron Minsky replied and Markus Mottl said:

 > Thanks.  That looks quite useful.    I suppose one could create a
 > timed event by creating a channel and scheduling a callback to send on
 > that channel.  It seems like a bit of a hack (not your library, but
 > the need to use such a mechanism to simulate timeouts), but it should
 > do the job.

I remember having found the following solution, which I use in my 
now, on the list a while ago:

   let watchdog s v =
     let ch = Event.new_channel () in
     let watchdog_thread () =
       Thread.delay s;
       Event.sync (Event.send ch v) in
     ignore (Thread.create watchdog_thread ());
     Event.receive ch

   let timed_sync s v event = Event.sync (Event.choose [event; watchdog 
s v])

You can use it e.g. as follows:

   let thread_fun ch =
     (* ... do something long ... *)
     Event.sync (Event.send result) in
   let ch = Event.new_channel () in
   let tid = Thread.create thread_fun ch in
   timed_sync 3.14 default_value (Event.receive ch)

If "thread_fun" doesn't send + synchronize a result within 3.14 seconds
on event channel "ch", then "default_value" will be returned, the result

4) GNU id-utils with SML (and lisp) support added
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200501/msg00207.html
** Cynbe ru Taren announced:

I've tweaked  the GNU id-utils to also support SML and lisp.
(Should work equally well for Ocaml, I think.  Let me know if not.)

The source tarball (and a Debian binary .deb) are up at:

Synopsis for anyone unfamiliar with the id-utils:

     A keystroke or two in emacs or vi gives lightning-fast access to all
     occurrences of a given identifier in the codebase.  Great for 
     up definitions, checking all uses after a redefinition, finding a
     typical invocation, and so forth.  Valuable for reading any codebase
     over ten kilolines, and indispensable for multi-megaline codebases
     (where etags simply halts and catches fire).

     I'm a frank addict.

5) Cross-compiling for arm
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200501/msg00209.html
** Koenraad Lelong asked and Eric C. Cooper answered:

 > I'm looking for information how to cross-compile for strong-arm. I did
 > find some references stating it is possible, but I'm not finding
 > anything on how to do this. I just missed a thread about 'minimum 
 > requirements' where Eric C. Cooper says he's running 
 > on his Zaurus. I would like to do the same.

You can find patches to the OCaml distribution tarball and a how-to 
document at
I've build x86-hosted cross-compilers for PowerPC and ARM this way.

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+
Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it 
vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1
If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a 
look at
the archive (http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~aschmitt/cwn/) or the RSS feed 
of the
archives (http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~aschmitt/cwn/cwn.rss). If you 
also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/ .


Alan Schmitt
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