[bip] Announcing PEBL (and asking for assistance)

Abhik Shah abhikshah at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 14:34:41 PDT 2008

  I've been working on pebl (Python Environment for Bayesian Learning)
for the past couple of years.  It's a python library for structure
learning of Bayesian networks from data and prior knowledge.  I've
implemented all features for a 1.0 release and have finalized the API.
 It has many unique features not found in any other package (python or
not), including:

* ability to handle interventional data
* exact and heuristic methods for handling missing values and hidden variables
* nice AJAX-y html reports
* almost-transparent parallel processing on multiple platforms (XGrid,
IPython1 and Amazon EC2)
    * this is useful when dealing with many hidden variable

Pebl includes sphinx-generated documentation and 200+ unittests.  I
think it's ready for prime time but would appreciate an informal code
review (or just comments) from this group.  Installation is currently
a bit painful but I'm working on improving that. Same goes for the
quality of the documentation.

google code site: http://code.google.com/p/pebl-project/
pebl documentation: http://ano.malo.us/pebl/docs/
installation documentation: http://ano.malo.us/pebl/docs/install.html

Please install from svn (svn co
http://pebl-project.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/) for now. I'm using
setuptools but haven't uploaded to PyPi yet.

Thank You,
Abhik Shah

ps. Any comments will be rewarded with cold pints from any bar in Ann
Arbor, MI. :)

Abhik Shah - http://umich.edu/~shahad
Systems Biology Lab, University of Michigan

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