[bip] pygr0.7beta3 released

Christopher Lee leec at chem.ucla.edu
Mon Sep 24 17:46:35 PDT 2007

pygr0.7beta3 is available on SourceForge.  This is mostly performance  
improvements and bug fixes, plus some additional documentation.  Some  
new features include axtNet pairwise alignment format reading for  
NLMSA, new_annotation() method, a Makefile for building a pure C  
library version of intervaldb (libnclist), and automatic  
transmission / reconstruction of seqDict info via NLMSA dump_textfile 
() / textfile_to_binaries() and pygr.Data.  This is very close to the  
final release for version 0.7.  A little bit more bug fixing is all  
that's left.  Please send us bug reports (specifically how to  
reproduce the bug) if you have any!

Yours with best wishes,


REVISIONS SINCE beta2 release:
revision 1.13
date: 2007/08/24 05:32:25;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +33 -1
added shadowClass support.  Must pickle itself as the original class...

revision 1.87
date: 2007/09/24 22:01:16;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +10 -3
added verbose option to dump_textfile()
revision 1.86
date: 2007/09/24 18:20:41;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -0
     if maxlen is None:
       maxlen=C_int_max-65536 # C_int_max MAXIMUM VALUE REPRESENTABLE  
BY int
       if axtFiles is not None:
         maxlen = maxlen/2

maxlen reduced by half for axtNet format reading (default action).
revision 1.85
date: 2007/09/21 21:58:30;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -2
minor bug fixed when determining src_prefix / dest_prefix.
os.path.basename added
revision 1.84
date: 2007/09/19 19:44:15;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +17 -12
added bidirectionalityRule option to NLMSA.__init__() to allow
direct user control of axtNet directionality rule
revision 1.83
date: 2007/09/19 04:33:25;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +14 -13
made readAxtNet() handle the is_bidirectional internal setting to remove
duplicate mappings
revision 1.82
date: 2007/09/18 18:02:05;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
warning message changed for axtNet input file name.
revision 1.81
date: 2007/09/18 01:10:26;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +20 -18
fixed axtnet saving by redirecting results to virtual LPO instead of  
revision 1.80
date: 2007/09/17 21:49:16;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines:  
+38 -43
code cleaning & debugging axtNet reading function.
revision 1.79
date: 2007/09/14 01:39:25;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines:  
+41 -27
module to read axtNet pairwise alignment has been added.
MAF: cnestedlist.NLMSA('test', 'w', uniondict, mafFiles = maflist)
AXTNET: cnestedlist.NLMSA('test', 'w', uniondict, axtFiles = axtlist)
readMAFrecord function error fixed when reading large lines (>32767).
revision 1.78
date: 2007/09/06 19:07:43;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -0
textfile_to_binaries: import seqdb, seqDict = seqdb.PrefixUnionDict 
revision 1.77
date: 2007/09/06 02:11:17;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
added trypath support to nlmsa_utils.read_seq_dict()
revision 1.76
date: 2007/09/06 01:52:52;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +83 -39
added saving / loading of seqDict info to textfile
revision 1.75
date: 2007/09/06 00:31:13;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -1
altered warning message for saveSeqDict issue
revision 1.74
date: 2007/08/31 17:56:00;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -2
dump_textfile, .attrDict backward compatibility issue fixed.
revision 1.73
date: 2007/08/31 02:31:44;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +111 -3
added readAxtnet() method for calling axtnet reading C function...
revision 1.72
date: 2007/08/31 00:57:54;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +4 -1
made NLMSA.attrDict reading optional for backwards compatibility
revision 1.71
date: 2007/08/31 00:51:35;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +166 -95
changed use_virtual_lpo to pairwiseMode, implemented proper try:  
finally checks
revision 1.70
date: 2007/08/30 23:05:32;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +23 -16
modified self culling to retain non-identical matches to self
cleaned up readMAFfiles error handling
revision 1.69
date: 2007/08/22 08:04:12;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +17 -3
fuse 1:1 intervals (mergeIntervals) where possible
revision 1.68
date: 2007/08/22 04:24:00;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +86 -27
added filterList option to groupByIntervals(), efficient masking and  
saving of 1:1

revision 1.41
date: 2007/08/24 05:31:18;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +29 -12
made getResource cache schema information for loaded objects
also switched over to shadowClass mechanism for binding attributes:
don't bind to the original class, but instead create a shadow  
subclass just for that
instance.  Guarantees no possibility of schema collisions on  
different objects that
use the same itemClass etc.

revision 1.4
date: 2007/09/24 23:05:02;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +44 -2
added support for BUILD_C_LIBRARY mode, that builds a pure C library  
with no
python extension module functionality

revision 1.10
date: 2007/09/19 19:43:17;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +9 -0
added prune_self_mappings() for handling axtNet directionality rule
revision 1.9
date: 2007/09/14 01:39:25;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -0
module to read axtNet pairwise alignment has been added.
MAF: cnestedlist.NLMSA('test', 'w', uniondict, mafFiles = maflist)
AXTNET: cnestedlist.NLMSA('test', 'w', uniondict, axtFiles = axtlist)
readMAFrecord function error fixed when reading large lines (>32767).
revision 1.8
date: 2007/09/06 02:10:43;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
adding trypath support
revision 1.7
date: 2007/09/06 01:53:26;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +31 -0
moved read_seq_dict() and save_seq_dict() here from cnestedlist.pyx
revision 1.6
date: 2007/08/31 00:52:04;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
changed to init_pairwise_mode() call

revision 1.113
date: 2007/09/18 01:12:30;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +15 -1
added support for seqDict iteritemlen over XMLRPC
revision 1.112
date: 2007/08/31 07:42:24;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +28 -10
bug fixes to new_annotation()
extended SeqPrefixUnionDict to infer prefix from db.filepath
revision 1.111
date: 2007/08/31 05:47:51;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +18 -3
added AnnotationDB.new_annotation() method and __setitem__ error message
revision 1.110
date: 2007/08/31 01:06:56;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
handle TypeError raised by shelve on integer keys
revision 1.109
date: 2007/08/31 00:52:56;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
changed use_virtual_lpo to pairwiseMode

revision 1.33
date: 2007/08/28 20:40:51;  author: calpan;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -1
handle empty segment in Seq2SeqEdge.longestSegment()
revision 1.32
date: 2007/08/22 04:24:56;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +17 -16
added saving of 1:1 matchIntervals on Seq2SeqEdge

revision 1.6
date: 2007/08/31 00:50:22;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +9 -1
make XMLRPC NLMSA properly handle EmptySliceError

revision 1.50
date: 2007/09/24 23:21:27;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
fixed typo
revision 1.49
date: 2007/09/24 23:12:28;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +67 -0
added C library documentation
revision 1.48
date: 2007/09/24 22:11:27;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +4 -1
added another verbose option to docs
revision 1.47
date: 2007/09/24 22:04:11;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +98 -22
added docs on axtFiles reading, seqDict handling in dump_textfiles()  
revision 1.46
date: 2007/09/24 18:30:58;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines: +7 -6
NamedSequence -> Sequence in pygr.sequence module
revision 1.45
date: 2007/08/31 07:45:06;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +27 -19
added new_annotation() docs, and changed to pairwiseMode

revision 1.6
date: 2007/08/29 14:44:23;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -2
data saved in another pickle file
revision 1.5
date: 2007/08/29 14:39:11;  author: deepreds;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
pickle opened as 'w' mode instead of 'a' mode
revision 1.4
date: 2007/08/29 00:06:41;  author: calpan;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -2
*** empty log message ***
revision 1.3
date: 2007/08/28 20:51:07;  author: calpan;  state: Exp;  lines: +20 -15
updated all_v_all_blast_test result construction
revision 1.2
date: 2007/08/20 20:27:15;  author: calpan;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -6
Moved string conversion from after test to before.

revision 1.10
date: 2007/08/31 00:52:21;  author: leec;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -2
changed use_virtual_lpo to pairwiseMode

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