[Avida-SVN] r1685 - branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2

jclune at myxo.css.msu.edu jclune at myxo.css.msu.edu
Mon Jun 18 00:44:03 PDT 2007

Author: jclune
Date: 2007-06-18 03:44:03 -0400 (Mon, 18 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1685

users can now drop things in the viewers pane

Modified: branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyFreezerCtrl.py
--- branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyFreezerCtrl.py	2007-06-18 00:13:16 UTC (rev 1684)
+++ branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyFreezerCtrl.py	2007-06-18 07:44:03 UTC (rev 1685)
@@ -336,6 +336,8 @@
       # Rebuild the file name
+      descr("item is :", item)
       if str(top_level.text(0)).startswith(" Configured Dish"):
         file_name = str(item.text(0)) + ".empty"
       elif str(top_level.text(0)).startswith(" Populated Dish"):
@@ -345,6 +347,9 @@
         file_name = str(item.text(0)) + ".organism"
       file_name = os.path.join(self.m_session_mdl.m_current_freezer, file_name)
       thawed_item = pyReadFreezer(file_name)
+      descr("item.text(0) is: ",str(item.text(0)))
+      descr("file_name is", file_name)
         (item.text(0), thawed_item,))
       descr("BDB -- item.text(0) = " + str(item.text(0)))

Modified: branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyNavBarCtrl.py
--- branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyNavBarCtrl.py	2007-06-18 00:13:16 UTC (rev 1684)
+++ branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyNavBarCtrl.py	2007-06-18 07:44:03 UTC (rev 1685)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+from pyReadFreezer import pyReadFreezer
 from qt import *
 from pyNavBarView import image0_data, image1_data, image2_data
 from descr import *
@@ -7,7 +9,6 @@
 class pyNavBarListView(QListView):
   def __init__(self, *args):
     apply(QListView.__init__,(self,) + args)
-    self.setAcceptDrops( True )
     self.viewport().setAcceptDrops( True )
   def construct(self, session_mdl):
@@ -15,69 +16,107 @@
     descr("in pyNavBarListView self is:",self)
-    #@JMC testing
-#    self.connect(
-#      self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr, PYSIGNAL("orgClickedOnSig"),
-#      self.jmcTestSlot)
-    self.connect(
-      self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr, PYSIGNAL("jmcTestSig"),
-      self.jmcTestSlot)
+  #this code allows you to control the universal no in sub areas of the menu, but it does not fire if
+  #accept drops in the view port is on, so we can't use it unless we figure out how to make it accept drops in a way that does
+  #not turn itself off
+#  def dragMoveEvent(self,e):
+#    if e.source() is self:
+#      return
-  def jmcTestSlot(self, clicked_cell_item = None):
-    descr("no way this works in list view++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
+#    descr("JMC")
+    # Check if you want the drag...
+#    dropped_item_name = QString()
+#    QTextDrag.decode(e,dropped_item_name)
+#    picked_item = self.itemAt(e.pos())
+#    descr("picked_item",picked_item)
+#    if(picked_item is not None):
+#      viewer_dropped_in =  str(picked_item.text(0))
+#      descr("viewer dropped in is: ", viewer_dropped_in)
+#      if dropped_item_name[:9] == 'organism.':
+  #      descr("that was an organism dragged from the petri dish")
+#        if(viewer_dropped_in == 'Organism'):
+#          e.accept()
+#          self.viewport().setAcceptDrops( False ) 
+#        else:
+#          e.ignore()
+#          self.viewport().setAcceptDrops( False ) 
+#      elif dropped_item_name[-9:] == '.organism':
+  #      descr("that was an organism dragged from the freezer")
+#        if(viewer_dropped_in == 'Organism'):
+#          e.accept()
+#          descr("proposed action is: ",e.proposedAction())
+#          self.viewport().setAcceptDrops( True ) 
+#        else:
+#          descr("---")
+#          e.ignore()
+#          self.viewport().setAcceptDrops( False ) 
+#      else:
+#        e.ignore()
+#        self.viewport().setAcceptDrops( False ) 
+ #   if (canDecode(e)):
+ #     descr("JMC -- canDecode")
+ #     e.accept()
   def contentsDropEvent(self, e):
     dropped_item_name = QString()
     if e.source() is self:
     # dropped_item_name is a string...a file name or raw genotype 
-    descr("in contentsDrop event")
-    descr("dropped_item_name is: ", str(dropped_item_name))
-    test_item_name = 'jeff'
-    descr("self is: ", self)
-    #self.emit(PYSIGNAL("jmcTestSig"), (test_item_name,))
-    self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("jmcTestSig"),())
+    picked_item = self.itemAt(e.pos())
+    viewer_dropped_in = 'nada'
+    if(picked_item is not None):
+      viewer_dropped_in =  str(picked_item.text(0))
     if ( QIconDrag.canDecode(e)):
       format = QDropEvent.format(e, 0)
-    if ( QTextDrag.decode( e, dropped_item_name ) ) :
-      descr("in decode, dropped_item_name is: ", str(dropped_item_name)[:])
-      if dropped_item_name[:9] == 'organism.':
-        descr("that was an organism dragged from the petri dish")
-        dropped_item_name = dropped_item_name[9:]
-#        self.FreezeOrganism(dropped_item_name)
-        self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("raiseOrgViewSig"),())
-        self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("parseOrganismGenomeSig"), (str(dropped_item_name),))
-      elif dropped_item_name[-5:] == '.full':
-        descr("that was a populated dish dragged from the freezer")
-      elif dropped_item_name[-9:] == '.organism':
-        descr("that was an organism dragged from the freezer")
-        self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("raiseOrgViewSig"),())
-        self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("parseOrganismFileSig"), (str(dropped_item_name[1:]),))
-      else:
-        pass
-    # Check if item is icon
+    if ( QTextDrag.decode( e, dropped_item_name ) ) : #this if statement actually does the decoding too
+      if(viewer_dropped_in == 'Organism'):
+        if (dropped_item_name[:9] == 'organism.' or dropped_item_name[-9:] == '.organism'): #drop was an organism
+          descr("that was an organism")
+          self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("raiseOrgViewSig"),())
+          if dropped_item_name[:9] == 'organism.':       #organism from petri dish
+            dropped_item_name = dropped_item_name[9:]
+            self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("parseOrganismGenomeSig"), (str(dropped_item_name),))
+          elif dropped_item_name[-9:] == '.organism':    #organism from freezer
+            self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("parseOrganismFileSig"), (str(dropped_item_name[1:]),))
+        else:
+          warningNoMethodName("Only organisms can be dragged into the Organism Viewer.")
+      elif(viewer_dropped_in == 'Population'):
+        if (dropped_item_name[-5:] == '.full' or dropped_item_name[-6:] == '.empty'):
-    #if (pyNewIconView.canDecode(e)):
-    #  info("You can not drag an ancestor back into the freezer")
+          #put the dish name and path into the format doDefrostDishSig wants
+          file_name = str(dropped_item_name[1:])
+          if(len(file_name.split())>1):
+            warningNoMethodName("You cannot drag more than one dish into the Population Viewer.")
+          else:
+            #note, the pop viewer gets raised on the receiving end in DefrostSlot in pyOnePop_PetriDishCtrl.py
+            if(dropped_item_name[-5:] == '.full'):
+              file_name = os.path.join(file_name, "petri_dish")
+            dish_name = file_name[26:-16]
+            descr("file_name", file_name)
+            thawed_item = pyReadFreezer(file_name)
-  #def FreezeOrganism(self, dropped_item_name):
-  #  tmp_dict = {1:dropped_item_name}
-  #  pop_up_organism_file_name = pyFreezeOrganismCtrl()
-  #  file_name = pop_up_organism_file_name.showDialog(self.m_session_mdl)
-  #  file_name_len = len(file_name.rstrip())
-  #  if (file_name_len > 0):
-  #    freezer_file = pyWriteToNavBar(tmp_dict, file_name)
-  #  
-  #  self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(
-  #    PYSIGNAL("doRefreshNavBarInventorySig"), ())
+            #send defrost sig
+            self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("doDefrostDishSig"),
+              (dish_name, thawed_item,))
+        else:
+          warningNoMethodName("Only petri dishes (populated or configured) can be dragged into the Population Viewer.")
+      elif(viewer_dropped_in == 'Analysis'):
+        if (dropped_item_name[-5:] == '.full'):
+          self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("itemDroppedInAnalysisViewerMenuBox"),
+            (str(dropped_item_name),))
+          self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("raiseAnaViewSig"),())
+        else:
+          warningNoMethodName("Only populated petri dishes can be dragged into the Analysis Viewer.")
 class pyNavBarCtrl(QWidget):
     def __init__(self,parent = None,name = None,fl = 0):

Modified: branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyNewIconView.py
--- branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyNewIconView.py	2007-06-18 00:13:16 UTC (rev 1684)
+++ branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyNewIconView.py	2007-06-18 07:44:03 UTC (rev 1685)
@@ -155,12 +155,12 @@
-#   def canDecode(self, e):
-#     descr("BDB")
-#     # use the same mime as standard IconView
-#     return e.provides( "application/x-qiconlist" )
+ # def canDecode(self, e):
+  #  descr("BDB")
+     # use the same mime as standard IconView
+   # return e.provides( "application/x-qiconlist" )
   def dragObject(self):
     item = self.firstItem();
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
       item = item.nextItem()
-#   def dragEnterEvent( self, e ):
-#     descr("BDB")
-#     # Check if you want the drag...
-#     if (canDecode(e)):
-#       descr("BDB -- canDecode")
-#       e.accept()
+#  def dragEnterEvent( self, e ):
+#    descr("BDB")
+    # Check if you want the drag...
+#    if (canDecode(e)):
+#      descr("BDB -- canDecode")
+#      e.accept()
   def contentsDropEvent(self, e):
     if e.source() is self:

Modified: branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyOneAnalyzeCtrl.py
--- branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyOneAnalyzeCtrl.py	2007-06-18 00:13:16 UTC (rev 1684)
+++ branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyOneAnalyzeCtrl.py	2007-06-18 07:44:03 UTC (rev 1685)
@@ -30,7 +30,13 @@
     self.connect( self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr, 
+    self.connect( self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr, 
+      PYSIGNAL("itemDroppedInAnalysisViewerMenuBox"),
+      self.loadDroppedThing)
+  def testMe(self):
+    descr("99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999")
   def aboutToBeLowered(self):
     """Disconnects menu items from One-Analyze Graph controller."""
@@ -79,6 +85,10 @@
     freezer_item_list = QString()
     if ( QTextDrag.decode( e, freezer_item_list ) ) :
       freezer_item_list = str(e.encodedData("text/plain"))
+      descr("freezer_item_list is", freezer_item_list)
+      self.loadDroppedThing(freezer_item_list)
+  def loadDroppedThing( self, freezer_item_list):
       for freezer_item_name in freezer_item_list.split("\t")[1:]:
         if os.path.exists(freezer_item_name) == False:
           warningNoMethodName(freezer_item_name + " does not exist.")

Modified: branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyOnePop_PetriDishCtrl.py
--- branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyOnePop_PetriDishCtrl.py	2007-06-18 00:13:16 UTC (rev 1684)
+++ branches/developers/avida-edward/source/python/AvidaGui2/pyOnePop_PetriDishCtrl.py	2007-06-18 07:44:03 UTC (rev 1685)
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@
   def DefrostSlot(self, dish_name, petri_dict):
+      self.m_session_mdl.m_session_mdtr.emit(PYSIGNAL("raisePopViewSig"),())
 #    if self.isVisible():

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