[Avida-SVN] r1234 - in extras: . source/testsuites

avidaedward at myxo.css.msu.edu avidaedward at myxo.css.msu.edu
Sat Jan 27 22:18:10 PST 2007

Author: avidaedward
Date: 2007-01-28 01:18:10 -0500 (Sun, 28 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 1234

 r1258 at clearly:  kaben | 2007-01-27 22:36:24 -0500
 Removed earlier, abandoned brainstorm of COMPETE analyze command.

Property changes on: extras
Name: svk:merge
   - 079b078a-dbed-46b9-b3da-37668d4295ca:/avida/local/extras:1257
   + 079b078a-dbed-46b9-b3da-37668d4295ca:/avida/local/extras:1258

Modified: extras/source/testsuites/nAnalyze.cpp
--- extras/source/testsuites/nAnalyze.cpp	2007-01-28 06:18:07 UTC (rev 1233)
+++ extras/source/testsuites/nAnalyze.cpp	2007-01-28 06:18:10 UTC (rev 1234)
@@ -1046,79 +1046,7 @@
           a.Send("SET_BATCH $t");
-          /* COMPETE : brainstorm 1 of new Analyze command. {{{5 */
-          if(false){
-            /* Arguments to COMPETE: */
-            /*
-            COMPETE
-              batch_size
-              from_id
-              to_id=current
-              //test_viable=1
-              //type='fitness'
-            */
-            /* Get iterator into "from" batch. */ 
-            tListIterator<cAnalyzeGenotype> batch_it(a.batch[batch_from].List());
-            /* Get size of "from" batch. */
-            const int parent_batch_size = a.batch[batch_from].List().GetSize();
-            if(parent_batch_size <= 0){
-              cout << "Warning: origin batch is empty, cannot sample to destination batch." << endl; 
-              break;
-            }
-            /* Create scheduler. */
-            cSchedule* schedule = new cProbSchedule(
-              parent_batch_size,
-              world->GetRandom().GetInt(0x7FFFFFFF)
-            );
-            /* Initialize scheduler with fitness values per-organism. */
-            tArray<cAnalyzeGenotype *> gen_array(parent_batch_size);
-            tArray<cMerit> fitness_array(parent_batch_size);
-            cAnalyzeGenotype * genotype = NULL;
-            int array_pos = 0;
-            while ((genotype = batch_it.Next()) != NULL) {
-              //cAnalyzeGenotype * new_genotype = new cAnalyzeGenotype(*genotype);
-              //batch[batch_to].List().PushRear(new_genotype);
-              gen_array[array_pos] = genotype;
-              /*
-              kgn at XXX FIXME HACK
-              multiplication by 1000 because merits less than 1 are truncated to zero.
-              */
-              fitness_array[array_pos] = genotype->GetFitness() * 1000;
-              schedule->Adjust(array_pos, fitness_array[array_pos]);
-              array_pos++;
-            }
-            /* Use scheduler to sample organisms in "from" batch. */
-            for(int i=0; i<batch_size; /* don't increment i yet */){
-              /* Sample an organism. */
-              array_pos = schedule->GetNextID();
-              if(array_pos < 0){
-                cout << "Warning: No organisms in origin batch have positive fitness, cannot sample to destination batch." << endl; 
-                break;
-              }
-              genotype = gen_array[array_pos];
-              /* If not viable, discard and continue. */
-              if(!genotype->GetViable()){
-                continue;
-              }
-              /* Replicate an offspring. */
-              /*
-              Mutate / crossover (how?) the offspring.
-              - Q : In cHardwareCPU, for example, how do we:
-                - determine lineage ?
-                - determine how to mutate ?
-                - determine whether to crossover ?
-              - Consider both of repro and h-divide instructions.
-              */
-              /* Place offspring in "to" batch. */
-              /* Increment and continue. */
-              i++;
-            }
-          }
-          /* COMPETE : brainstorm 2 of new Analyze command. {{{5 */
+          /* COMPETE : brainstorm of new Analyze command. {{{5 */
             /* Arguments to COMPETE: */

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