[Avida-SVN] r1362 - in development/support: . scripts

barrick at myxo.css.msu.edu barrick at myxo.css.msu.edu
Fri Feb 23 08:07:18 PST 2007

Author: barrick
Date: 2007-02-23 11:07:18 -0500 (Fri, 23 Feb 2007)
New Revision: 1362

Added perl script for generating image sequences of traces. Instructions on installing the required libraries and Perl modules are on the Wiki.

Added: development/support/scripts/trace_movie.pl
--- development/support/scripts/trace_movie.pl	2007-02-22 01:21:24 UTC (rev 1361)
+++ development/support/scripts/trace_movie.pl	2007-02-23 16:07:18 UTC (rev 1362)
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Pod Documentation
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Usage: trace_movie.perl -i trace_file -o matlab_input_file
+Create an image or a folder of images of organism instruction execution.
+=item B<-i> <org file paths> 
+An Avida organism file (.org). Generated by the PrintDominantGenotype event, for example.
+=item B<-t> <trace file path> 
+An Avida trace file. Generated by the analyze command.
+=item B<-o> <file/directory path> 
+Output file name or directory name (if -m used).
+=item B<-m> 
+Generate frames of a movie. Without this option, only the final frame is produced.
+=item B<-f> <frame limit>
+The maximum number of frames to draw.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jeffrey Barrick
+Copyright 2006-2007.  All rights reserved.
+# End Pod Documentation
+use strict;
+use FindBin;
+use lib $FindBin::Bin;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use GD;
+#Get options
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+my ($help, $man);
+my $frame_limit = 1000;
+my ($input, $output, $trace, $movie);
+#pod2usage(1) if (scalar @ARGV == 0);
+	'help|?' => \$help, 'man' => \$man,
+	'input|i=s' => \$input,
+	'trace|t=s' => \$trace,
+	'output|o=s' => \$output,
+	'movie|m' => \$movie,
+	'frame-limit|f=s' => \$frame_limit
+) or pod2usage(2);
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
+pod2usage(1) if (!defined $output or !defined $input);
+#Other options
+my $each_execution_once = 1;
+my $data;
+#Load the genome from the .org file
+open ORGANISM, "$input";
+our @inst = <ORGANISM>;
+close ORGANISM;
+chomp @inst;
+ at inst = grep !/^#/, @inst; #comments
+ at inst = grep $_, @inst; #blank lines
+#print +(join "\n", @org_lines) . "\n";
+#Load the trace from the .org file
+our @trace;
+open TRACE, "$trace";
+my $resources_found = 0;
+my $cur_resource_line;
+while (<TRACE>)
+	if ($_ =~ m/(\d+)\s+IP:(\d+)\s+AX:(\S+) \[(\S+)\]\s+BX:(\S+) \[(\S+)\]\s+CX:(\S+) \[(\S+)\]/) #Instruction pointer/register line
+	{
+		my $t;
+		$t->{'time'} = $1;
+		$t->{'inst'} = $2;
+		$t->{AX}->{'dec'} = $3;
+		$t->{AX}->{'hex'} = $4;
+		$t->{BX}->{'dec'} = $5;
+		$t->{BX}->{'hex'} = $6;
+		$t->{CX}->{'dec'} = $7;
+		$t->{CX}->{'hex'} = $8;
+		$t->{'aged_time'} = $t->{'time'};
+		if ( $_ =~ m/AgedTime:(\d+)/ )
+		{
+			$t->{'aged_time'} = $1;
+		}
+		my $on_line;
+		#The next line is the read/write/flow heads #ignore
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;		
+		#The next line is stack 0 #ignore
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;	
+		chomp $on_line;
+		$t->{stack_0} = $on_line;	
+		#The next line is stack 1 #ignore
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;	
+		chomp $on_line;
+		$t->{stack_1} = $on_line;
+		#The next line is memory #ignore
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;	
+		#The next line is merit/bonus/tasks
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;
+		chomp $on_line;
+		$on_line =~ m/Bonus:\s*(\d+)\s*Errors:\s*(\d+)\s*Donates:\s*(\d+)/;
+		$t->{bonus} = $1;
+		$t->{donates} = $3;
+		#The next line is tasks
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;
+		my $original_line = $on_line;
+		chomp $on_line;
+		$on_line =~ m/:\s*(.+)$/;
+		$on_line = $1;
+		$on_line =~ s/\(\S+\)\s*//g;
+		$on_line =~ s/\s*$//g; #Not sure why I need this to get rid of trailing space
+		@{$t->{tasks}} = split /\s+/, $on_line;
+		#print "$original_line\n" if (scalar @{$t->{tasks}} != 9);
+		#Next line is blank
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;
+		#Next line is Input (env)
+		#Next line is Input (buf)
+		#Next line is Output 
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;
+		#Next line is ----
+		#Next line is ABOUT To EXECUTE
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;
+		$on_line = <TRACE>;
+		#Handle saved resources
+		if ($cur_resource_line)
+		{
+			$resources_found = 1;
+			@{$t->{resources}} = @{$t->{resources}} = split /\s+/, $cur_resource_line;
+		}
+		#print Dumper($t);
+		push @trace, $t;
+	}
+	if ($_ =~ s/^Resources: //)
+	{
+		$cur_resource_line = $_;
+	}
+close TRACE;
+if ($movie)
+	`rm -r $output` if (-e "$output");
+	mkdir $output;
+#These constants control how the drawing is made
+our $inst_size_y = 7;
+our $inst_size_x = 7;
+our $inst_space_x = 1;
+our $min_size_x = 850;
+our $total_x = $inst_size_x * (scalar @inst) + $inst_space_x * ((scalar @inst) + 1);
+$total_x = $min_size_x if ($total_x < $min_size_x);
+our $arc_height_increment = 2;
+our $arc_height_initial = 5;
+our $text_size_y = 90;
+#Go through the execution to determing how high the drawing needs to be...
+#Now draw arrows showing execution
+my $drawn_connections = {};
+my $arc_height = $arc_height_initial;
+foreach (my $i=1; $i < scalar @trace; $i++)
+	if ($trace[$i]->{inst} != $trace[$i-1]->{inst})
+	{
+		my $key = "$trace[$i-1]->{inst}_$trace[$i]->{inst}";
+		next if ($each_execution_once && defined $drawn_connections->{$key});
+		$drawn_connections->{$key}++;
+		$arc_height +=$arc_height_increment;
+	}
+our $total_y = $arc_height + 10 + 10 + $inst_size_y;
+our $text_y = $total_y;
+$total_y += $text_size_y;
+our $inst_y = $arc_height + 10;
+# create a new image
+my $img = new GD::Image($total_x,$total_y);
+# allocate some colors
+our $colors;
+$colors->{white} = $img->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
+$colors->{black} = $img->colorAllocate(0,0,0);       
+$colors->{red} = $img->colorAllocate(255,0,0);      
+$colors->{blue} = $img->colorAllocate(0,0,255);
+$colors->{green} = $img->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
+$colors->{gray} = $img->colorAllocate(127,127,127);
+$colors->{cyan} = $img->colorAllocate(64,240,240);
+$colors->{magenta} = $img->colorAllocate(250,64,220);
+$colors->{orange} = $img->colorAllocate(250,150,55);
+$colors->{purple} = $img->colorAllocate(137,30,246);
+our $inst_to_style = {
+	'nop-A'   => { 'c' => 'red',     's' => 'circle' },
+	'nop-B'   => { 'c' => 'green',   's' => 'circle' },
+	'nop-C'   => { 'c' => 'blue',    's' => 'circle' },
+	'sense'   => { 'c' => 'blue',    's' => 'triangle' },
+	'goto'    => { 'c' => 'green',   's' => 'square' },
+	'label'   => { 'c' => 'red',     's' => 'square' },
+	'throw'   => { 'c' => 'green',   's' => 'square' },
+	'catch'   => { 'c' => 'red',     's' => 'square' },
+	'nand'    => { 'c' => 'orange',  's' => 'square' },
+	'get'     => { 'c' => 'magenta', 's' => 'square' },
+	'put'     => { 'c' => 'cyan',    's' => 'square' },
+	'repro'   => { 'c' => 'purple',  's' => 'square' },
+    'default' => { 'c' => 'black',   's' => 'square' }
+our $max_label_size = 8;
+our $inst_use_nops = {
+	'if-n-equ' => 1,
+	'if-less' => 1,
+	'pop' => 1,
+	'push' => 1,
+	'shift-r' => 1,
+	'shift-l' => 1,
+	'inc' => 1,
+	'dec' => 1,
+	'add' => 1,
+	'sub' => 1,
+	'nand' => 1,
+	'get' => 1,
+	'put' => 1,
+	'goto' => $max_label_size,
+	'goto-if=0' => $max_label_size,
+	'goto-if!=0' => $max_label_size,
+	'label' => $max_label_size,
+	'throw' => $max_label_size,
+	'throwif=0' => $max_label_size,
+	'throwif!=0' => $max_label_size,
+	'catch' => $max_label_size,
+	'sense-m100' => $max_label_size,
+our @execution_flare_colors = (
+	$img->colorAllocate(  255, 0,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate(  0, 50,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate(  0, 75,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate(  0, 100,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate(  0, 125,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate(  0, 150,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate(  0, 175,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate(  0, 200,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate(  0, 230,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate(  0, 255,   0),
+	$img->colorAllocate( 25, 255,  25),
+	$img->colorAllocate( 50, 255,  50),
+	$img->colorAllocate( 75, 255,  75),
+	$img->colorAllocate(100, 255, 100),
+	$img->colorAllocate(125, 255, 125),
+	$img->colorAllocate(150, 255, 150),
+	$img->colorAllocate(175, 255, 175),
+	$img->colorAllocate(200, 255, 200),
+	$img->colorAllocate(220, 220, 220),
+#print Dumper($colors);
+#Draw grayed out instructions for each box
+for (my $i=0; $i< scalar @inst; $i++)
+	draw_instruction($i, $colors->{gray});
+#Draw a connecting line, vertically centered
+$img->line($inst_space_x,$inst_y + $inst_size_y / 2 ,(scalar @inst - 1) * ($inst_size_x + $inst_space_x), $inst_y + $inst_size_y / 2,$colors->{gray});
+#Draw ALL nops in default colors
+#foreach (my $i=0; $i < scalar @inst; $i++)
+#	draw_instruction($i) if ($inst[$i] =~ m/^nop/);	
+$drawn_connections = {};
+$arc_height = $arc_height_initial;
+our @arc_memory;
+my $frame;
+#Now draw arrows showing execution
+foreach (my $i=0; $i < scalar @trace; $i++)
+	#Now draw over instructions that were used in their default colors
+	draw_instruction($trace[$i]->{inst});
+	#Include nops as long as we find them and are within the limits of what the inst uses
+	my @nop_list;
+	if ($inst_use_nops->{$inst[$trace[$i]->{inst}]})
+	{
+		my $used_nops = 0;
+		while ( ($inst[($trace[$i]->{inst}+1+$used_nops) % scalar @inst] =~ m/^nop/) 
+			 && ($used_nops < $inst_use_nops->{$inst[$trace[$i]->{inst}]}) )
+		{
+			$used_nops++;  
+			draw_instruction( ($trace[$i]->{inst}+$used_nops) % scalar @inst );
+			push @nop_list, $inst[($trace[$i]->{inst}+$used_nops) % scalar @inst];
+		}
+	}
+	$frame++;
+	die "Exceeded frame limit (-f)." if ($movie && ($frame > $frame_limit));
+	if ($i!=0 and $trace[$i]->{inst} != $trace[$i-1]->{inst})
+	{	
+		my $key = "$trace[$i-1]->{inst}_$trace[$i]->{inst}";
+		#Increment the arc_height if drawing multiple connections of does not exist
+		if ($each_execution_once)
+		{
+			if (!defined $drawn_connections->{$key})
+			{
+				$arc_height += $arc_height_increment; 
+				$drawn_connections->{$key} = $arc_height;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$arc_height += $arc_height_increment;
+			$drawn_connections->{$key} = $arc_height;
+		}
+		my $new_arc = { 'h'=> $drawn_connections->{$key}, '1' => $trace[$i-1]->{inst}, '2' => $trace[$i]->{inst} };
+		unshift @arc_memory, $new_arc;
+		#remove last arc
+		pop @arc_memory if (scalar @arc_memory > scalar @execution_flare_colors);
+		#redraw all arcs in memory from oldest to newest
+		foreach (my $a= scalar @arc_memory-1; $a >= 0; $a--)
+		{
+			my $this_arc = $arc_memory[$a];
+			draw_execution_arc($this_arc->{1}, $this_arc->{2}, $this_arc->{h}, $execution_flare_colors[$a]);
+			#print Dumper($this_arc, $execution_flare_colors[$a]);
+		}
+	}
+	#Erase the bottom information 
+	$img->filledRectangle(0,$text_y,$total_x,$total_y,$colors->{white});
+	#Draw current instruction name
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,3,$text_y,$trace[$i]->{time},$colors->{black});
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,52,$text_y, "$inst[$trace[$i]->{inst}] @nop_list", $colors->{black});
+	my $text_color;
+	$text_color = ($i==0 or $trace[$i]->{AX}->{'dec'} == $trace[$i-1]->{AX}->{'dec'}) ? $colors->{black} : $colors->{red};
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,252,$text_y,"AX: $trace[$i]->{AX}->{'dec'} [$trace[$i]->{AX}->{'hex'}]",$text_color);
+	$text_color = ($i==0 or $trace[$i]->{BX}->{'dec'} == $trace[$i-1]->{BX}->{'dec'}) ? $colors->{black} : $colors->{red};
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,452,$text_y,"BX: $trace[$i]->{BX}->{'dec'} [$trace[$i]->{BX}->{'hex'}]",$text_color);
+	$text_color = ($i==0 or $trace[$i]->{CX}->{'dec'} == $trace[$i-1]->{CX}->{'dec'}) ? $colors->{black} : $colors->{red};
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,652,$text_y,"CX: $trace[$i]->{CX}->{'dec'} [$trace[$i]->{CX}->{'hex'}]",$text_color);
+	$text_color = ($i==0 or $trace[$i]->{stack_0} eq $trace[$i-1]->{stack_0}) ? $colors->{black} : $colors->{red};
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,3,$text_y + 18,$trace[$i]->{stack_0},$text_color);
+	$text_color = ($i==0 or $trace[$i]->{stack_1} eq $trace[$i-1]->{stack_1}) ? $colors->{black} : $colors->{red};
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,3,$text_y + 36,$trace[$i]->{stack_1},$text_color);
+	$text_color = ($i==0 or $trace[$i]->{bonus} == $trace[$i-1]->{bonus}) ? $colors->{black} : $colors->{red};
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,3,$text_y + 54,"Bonus: $trace[$i]->{bonus}",$text_color);
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,180,$text_y + 54,"Tasks:",$colors->{black});
+	for (my $b=0; $b<scalar @{$trace[$i]->{tasks}}; $b++)
+	{
+		if (!defined $trace[$i]->{tasks}->[$b] or !defined $trace[$i-1]->{tasks}->[$b])
+		{
+			print Dumper($trace[$i]->{tasks}, $trace[$i-1]->{tasks});
+		}
+		$text_color = ($i==0 or $trace[$i]->{tasks}->[$b] == $trace[$i-1]->{tasks}->[$b]) ? $colors->{black} : $colors->{red};
+		$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,250 + 50 * $b,$text_y + 54,"$trace[$i]->{tasks}->[$b]",$text_color);
+	}
+	#$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,3,$text_y + 72,"Effective Time:",$colors->{black});
+	$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,3,$text_y + 72,$trace[$i]->{aged_time},$colors->{black});
+	if ($resources_found)
+	{
+		$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,153,$text_y + 72,"Resources:",$colors->{black});
+		for (my $b=0; $b<scalar @{$trace[$i]->{resources}}; $b++)
+		{
+			if (!defined $trace[$i]->{resources}->[$b] or !defined $trace[$i-1]->{resources}->[$b])
+			{
+				print Dumper($trace[$i]->{resources}, $trace[$i-1]->{resources});
+			}
+			$text_color = ($i==0 or $trace[$i]->{resources}->[$b] == $trace[$i-1]->{resources}->[$b]) ? $colors->{black} : $colors->{red};
+			$img->string(gdMediumBoldFont,250 + 50 * $b,$text_y + 72,"$trace[$i]->{resources}->[$b]",$text_color);
+		}
+	}
+	if ($movie)
+	{
+		open OUT, ">$output/$frame.png";
+		print OUT $img->png;
+	}
+# make the background transparent and interlaced
+# Put a black frame around the picture
+# Draw a blue oval
+# And fill it with red
+# make sure we are writing to a binary stream
+# Convert the image to PNG and print it on standard output
+if (!$movie)
+	open OUT, ">$output";
+	binmode OUT;
+	print OUT $img->png;
+#end of program
+sub find_inst_hash_match
+	my ($inst) = @_;
+	foreach my $key (keys %$inst_to_style)
+	{
+		return $key if ($inst =~ /^\Q$key\E/);
+	}
+	return 'default';
+sub get_inst_color
+	my ($inst) = @_;
+	return $inst_to_style->{find_inst_hash_match($inst)}->{c};
+sub get_inst_shape
+	my ($inst) = @_;		
+	return $inst_to_style->{find_inst_hash_match($inst)}->{s};
+sub draw_instruction
+	my ($i, $color) = @_;
+	my $x = $inst_space_x + $i * ($inst_space_x + $inst_size_x);	
+	$color = $colors->{get_inst_color($inst[$i])} if (!defined $color);
+	my $shape = get_inst_shape($inst[$i]);
+	#Decide how to draw it
+	if ($shape eq 'square')
+	{
+		$img->filledRectangle($x,$inst_y,$x+$inst_size_x-1,$inst_y+$inst_size_y-1,$color);
+	}
+	elsif ($shape eq 'circle')
+	{
+		$img->filledArc($x+$inst_size_x/2,$inst_y+$inst_size_y/2,$inst_size_x,$inst_size_y,0,360,$color);
+	}
+	elsif ($shape eq 'triangle')
+	{
+		my $poly = new GD::Polygon;
+        $poly->addPt($x + $inst_size_x / 2,$inst_y);
+        $poly->addPt($x, $inst_y + $inst_size_y - 1);
+        $poly->addPt($x + $inst_size_x - 1, $inst_y + $inst_size_y - 1);
+        # draw the polygon, filling it with a color
+        $img->filledPolygon($poly,$color);
+	}
+sub draw_execution_arc
+	my ($i, $j, $h, $color) = @_;
+	if ($i > $j)
+	{
+		my $temp = $i;
+		$i = $j;
+		$j = $temp;
+	}
+	my $cx = ($inst_space_x + $i * ($inst_space_x + $inst_size_x) + $inst_space_x + $j * ($inst_space_x + $inst_size_x) + $inst_size_x) /2;	
+	my $w = ($j - $i) * ($inst_space_x + $inst_size_x);
+	$img->arc($cx, $inst_y-1, $w, $h * 2, 180, 0, $color);

Property changes on: development/support/scripts/trace_movie.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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