[alife] Deadline extended to April 25, AUTOMATA 2014

Genaro Martinez Genaro.Martinez at uwe.ac.uk
Fri Apr 18 18:47:41 PDT 2014

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20th International Workshop on
Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems

July 7-9, 2014, Himeji, Japan


* Submission deadline (full papers): April 25, 2014 (extended)
* Submission deadline (exploratory papers): June 9, 2014
* Notification to authors (full papers): May 20, 2014
* Final version: June 13, 2014


Papers presenting original and unpublished research on all
fundamental aspects of cellular automata and related discrete
complex systems are sought. Topics of interest include (but are
not limited to): dynamics, topological, ergodic and algebraic
aspects, algorithmic and complexity issues, emergent properties,
formal language processing, symbolic dynamics, models of
parallelism and distributed systems, timing schemes, phenomenological
descriptions, scientific modeling and practical applications.
Papers authored or co-authored by PC members are also welcome and
will follow a specific evaluation process.


There are two paper categories - full and exploratory
contributions. Full papers are meant to report more complete and
denser research, while the later submission deadline of
exploratory papers allows quick reporting of most recent
discoveries, work-in-progress and/or partial results. Papers in
the full paper category are refereed and selected by the program
committee. Papers in the exploratory category go through a less
rigorous evaluation for suitability. Full papers receive a longer
time slot for presentation in the workshop.


Papers have a page limit of 14 pages (full paper category) or
8 pages (exploratory paper category), they must be formatted in
LaTeX using the LNCS format
(see http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors),
and must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Authors are invited to submit original papers by the EasyChair
system at


The submission may contain an appendix that exceeds the page
limit if the author wants to provide the PC with more details
than allowed by the strict paper limit. The appendix will not
be published in the proceedings. The papers must not have been
submitted simultaneously to other conferences with published
proceedings. All accepted papers must be presented at the


Papers in the both categories (full and exploratory) will be
published in local proceedings and will be available at the conference
venue.  Papers in the full paper category will be published in the
LNCS series of Springer and the proceedings will be available
after the conference.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended
and improved version of their contribution to a special issue of
the Journal of Cellular Automata and another international journal
depending on the number and the subject of the papers accepted.

The workshop will host the annual meeting of the IFIP Working
group 1.5 on  Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems.


Satoru Murata (Tohoku University, Japan)


Paola Flocchini  (University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada)
Enrico Formenti  (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France)
Anahi Gajardo (University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile)
Eric Goles   (Adolfo Ibanez University, Chile)
Pierre Guillon   (University of Aix-Marseille, Marseille, France)
Katsunobu Imai  (Hiroshima Univerisity, Japan)
Teijiro Isokawa   (University of Hyogo, Japan)
Jarkko Kari    (University of Turku, Turku, Finland)
Martin Kutrib    (University of Giessen, Giessen, Germany)
Jia Lee   (Chongqing University, Chongqing, China)
Genaro Martinez  (National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico city, Mexico)
Andreas Malcher   (University of Giessen, Giessen, Germany)
Bruno Martin   (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France)
Kenichi Morita  (ex. Hiroshima University, Japan)
Hidenosuke Nishio   (ex. Kyoto University, Japan)
Ferdinand Peper  (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Osaka, Japan)
Kai Salomaa   (Queen's University, Kingston, Canada)
Klaus Sutner     (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA)
Veronique Terrier    (University of Caen, Caen, France)
Hiroshi Umeo   (Osaka Elecro-Communication University, Japan)
Thomas Worsch   (Karlsruhe University, Karlsruhe, Germany)


Chair: Teijiro Isokawa   (University of Hyogo, Japan)
Co-chair: Katsunobu Imai  (Hiroshima Univerisity, Japan)
Co-chair: Nobuyuki Matsui (University of Hyogo, Japan)
Co-chair: Ferdinand Peper  (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Osaka, Japan)
Co-chair: Hiroshi Umeo   (Osaka Elecro-Communication University, Japan)


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