[alife] Metaheuristics for Scheduling: Distributed Computing Environments (New Book Release)

Ajith Abraham ajith.abraham at ieee.org
Thu Jul 3 02:38:36 PDT 2008

--  New Book Release --

Fatos Xhafa and Ajith Abraham  (Eds)
Metaheuristics for Scheduling: Distributed Computing Environments
Studies in Computational Intelligence
Springer Verlag, Germany
ISBN: 978-3-540-69260-7, 380 pages, 2008


Table of Content -->

Flyer --> http://www.springer.com/?SGWID=0-102-1297-173824907-0

About this book

Grid computing has emerged as one of the most promising computing paradigms
of the new millennium! Achieving high performance Grid computing requires
techniques to efficiently and adaptively allocate jobs and applications to
available resources in a large scale, highly heterogenous and dynamic

This volume presents meta-heuristics approaches for Grid scheduling
Due to the complex nature of the problem, meta-heuristics are primary
for the design and implementation of efficient Grid schedulers.
The volume brings new ideas, analysis, implementations and evaluation of
meta-heuristic techniques for Grid scheduling, which make this volume novel
in several aspects. The chapters of this volume have identified several
important formulations of the problem, which we believe will serve as
a reference
for the researchers in the Grid computing community.

Important features include the detailed overview of the various novel
scheduling approaches, excellent coverage of timely, advanced scheduling
state-of-the-art theoretical research and application developments and
authored by pioneers in the field. Academics, scientists as well as
engaged in research, development and scheduling will find the comprehensive
coverage of this book invaluable.

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