[alife] 2nd CfP: AISB'06 Symposium on Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering

S Hoche hoche at compsci.bristol.ac.uk
Tue Dec 20 09:00:49 PST 2005

            2nd CALL FOR PAPERS
Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering
                 April 4th-6th 2006
                    part of
 AISB'06: Adaptation in Artificial and Biological Systems
         University of Bristol, Bristol, England

**The last date for submission of extended abstracts is January 15th 2006 **

*Aims & Scope:
Network analysis and modelling address a wide spectrum of techniques for 
studying domains consisting of individuals that are linked together into 
complex networks. Networks refer to artificial and natural systems like 
communication networks, social networks and biological networks.

Both graph theory and techniques recently developed for the analysis of 
networks provide a substantial background for studying complex network 
structures and dynamics in artificial and biological systems. They allow 
us to answer questions in common to these networks like aspects of 
adaptability, error and attack tolerance, complexity, community 
structures, and propagation patterns. One of the key features of natural 
networks is their ability to adapt to changing environments while 
maintaining an appropriate pattern of behaviour. Such adaptive capacity 
can be found in a whole range of natural networks, from gene-protein 
interaction networks within individual cells, through physiological 
systems, to ecosystems.

The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum to bring together 
scientists from biology, computer science and related disciplines who 
are concerned with theoretical and applied network analysis and 
modelling in the context of diverse disciplines, the adaptability in 
natural networks, and its application to artificial networks. 
Furthermore, the symposium will serve as a forum for interdisciplinary 
discussions to promote a comprehensive view of the state of the art in 
this field and to identify emerging and future research issues.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Adaptability in biological networks
* Mining and learning from network data
* Prediction of structural network properties
* Network dynamics
* Network topology
* Community structures
* Topological motifs
* Pattern mining
* Social network analysis in human and animal societies
* Genetic regulatory and protein interaction networks
* Robustness issues
* Complexity issues
* Model selection and sampling in networks
* Massive graph mining
* Information networks
* Applications of network theory

Important Dates:
January  15th 2006:   Submission of extended abstracts
February  5th 2006:   Notification of decision
February 20th 2006:   Camera ready papers

Submissions in form of an extended abstract of at least 1500 word (2 
pages) should be submitted until January 15th 2006. More detailed 
information can be found at the symposia web site: 

EU Project NiSIS (Nature-inspired Smart Information Systems)

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