[alife] New software and resources for the Framsticks simulator

Maciej Komosinski Maciej.Komosinski at cs.put.poznan.pl
Mon Oct 20 14:32:09 PDT 2003

We would like to announce the release of the next
version of Framsticks, v2.8. Framsticks is a versatile
simulator of artificial life forms, used for research
and education in many fields of science, including
evolutionary computation, artificial intelligence,
neural networks, robotics, biology, cognitive sciences,
and neuroscience.

Version 2.8 fixes a few minor problems and includes enhancements
of the Framsticks scripting language. The crossing over operator
has been improved.

There is a new movie available from the web site, which shows creatures
controlled by evolved fuzzy systems.

The Framsticks Experimentation Center (FEC) site was updated
(the site allows for submitting, browsing and downloading
genotypes and experiments).

The often-requested Framsticks_Manual.pdf is available,
containing the most important HTML reference pages with a table
of contents.

The free FramsView program has also been updated.

Framsticks Graphical User Interface for MS Windows can
be downloaded directly from


and the full list of downloads (including Linux versions and
command-line interfaces) is at


Please visit the site to learn more about Framsticks,
download software, and access on-line user news forums:


Now we are going to finish and release the Framsticks Theater,
and finish the development of the Framsticks simulator network server.

Kind regards,

Maciej Komosinski
Szymon Ulatowski

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